Verify your PayPal account with your MasterCard ATM card


Evening,I know you guys would have opened your paypal accounts! But, note that you wont be able to make accurate transactions until you verify your account.

Tonight I’ll be sharing you how to verify your PayPal account with your mastercard.
Firstly link your card with your atmcard i strongly recommends GTB mastercard or UBAafricard you can readmore about africard HERE

On registering, you will be prompted to enter your card details. Enter the card number, the expiry date and the 3 digits at the back of the card in the spaces provided. Ensure the billing address matches the address you used to open your bank account. The same address is associated with your card.

  • Click “Continue” to proceed to your account. Sign in to your email account and click on the
  • verification link in the mail sent to you by Paypal. This might prompt you to enter your password for you to sign in to your Paypal account.
  • Once signed in, click the ‘ Get Verified ” link or the ” Link and confirm credit or debit card ” link
  • You will be redirected to a new page to confirm your card for verification. The card type, and a four digits code will be sent by PayPal via your bank to your email.
  • Enter the Four digits code and Click on Continue” to proceed.
  • After clicking “Continue”, Paypal will charge the card $1.95 (about N320) to make sure it’s yours. Paypal will refund the money within 24 hours after you confirm your card.

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