How to make your first 50k as a blogger

Making money online has been the paramount problems nowadays everybody wants to make money online but no one is ready to work.i stumed on the net yesterday where i saw a particular E-book on how to make 100$ weekly.the truth there is that;without hardwork you cant make profit
                                         How to make your first 50k blogging
As a blogger, if your sole aim is to blog for money then I must say it will be very hard to even make your first 50k.Once you have a niche of what to blog about,create awareness of your blog by sharing your posts social media  in no time,you start making real cash.
Today I’ll be sharing some steps to make your first 50k as a blogger.
1.Affiliate marketing:this is one of the biggest online source of marketing online. What is affiliate marketing??
It is based on publishing of products or content of advertisers and you get paid.
There are many types of affiliate programming online today here are few
2.make money watching ad
This also fetch much revenue but its a matter of your brain, time and a little investement.I’ll soon post some tutorial on the investment very are the best watching ad company and pays at least 0.065$ per task. Ojoo&neobox
3.Google adense:its now longer new that Google adense happens to be the best online affillate marketing once your blog got approved then start making cool cash and at the of the month Google will send you a cheque then, you need to open a domiciliary account from your designated bank and then you cashed it to the account where you transfer it to your Nigerian bank account.
Hope this helps?kindly hit the share button.

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