How To Pause WhatsApp Status For A Very Long Time Without 5seconds Limit

The new feature whatsapp introduced is very exciting and makes whatsapp less boring. Viewing your contact’s status updates might be frasturating sometimes as you might not be able not read the full caption of the picture before it moves to the next one.

How To Pause WhatsApp Status For A Very Long Time Without 5seconds Limit
How To Pause WhatsApp Status For A Very Long Time Without 5seconds Limit

Earlier, i posted the 5 best whatsapp tips and tweak you should check out Here. But this evening, I will quickly show you how to pause your contact’s whatsapp status for a long time.

It is very easy just hold down the picture you want to pause. It will become dragable around your screen just move it to your convenient position. Once you are done reading it, you can then leave it and do same for other pictures.

Hope this helps? don’t go without using the share button. Your friends, also needs this helpful information don’t be selfish share it with them.

WhatsApp is getting video messages and a new callback feature soon

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