Taking Your Data Generation To The Next Level

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You cannot separate an entrepreneur, an equity analyst, or a marketer from data generation. Gathering useful data is an important aspect of every business dealings, and data generation helps to gain deep insight into the best strategies to stay ahead of the game. 

Whether you desire to churn out a new strategy for your business or start up a new business, you will need to work with a vast amount of data.

But, how do you handle your data generation? Do you still subscribe to the manual method of copying and pasting data manually? Well, if you still do, then you’ll be limiting your ability to generate a reliable and fast result. It is not feasible to extract data from large websites, especially when they have hundreds of pages. That’s where web scraping finds relevance. 

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Taking Your Data Generation To The Next Level 5

Web scraping for fast and reliable data generation

Web scraping is an automated process that takes your data generation to the next level. Many businesses and companies have used web scrapers to upgrade their operations with reduced effort, time, and money. 

Web scrapers like web automation have been used widely to extract data instantly from any website just in a matter of minutes. You don’t need any coding. This scraper comes with pre-built extractors for 400+ popular websites, including Amazon, Ebay, Airbnb, Alibaba, etc. 

One interesting part of using web scrapers is that you can;

  • Scrape unstructured data and turn any website into a spreadsheet or API
  • Extract data with multiple levels of navigation
  • Scrape sites protected by bots
  • Integrate your extracted data through our Webhook and API
  • Export data in CSV, JSON, XLSX, or XML
  • Transfer your data to Dropbox, Shopify, Google sheets +

How do web scrapers function?

Instead of copying and pasting, here is what web scrapers will do for you;

  • Identify your target website 
  • Scrape URLs of the pages where your data of interest is located
  • Send a request to these pages URLs to get their HTML 
  • Locate the data in the HTML
  • Save the scraped data in CSV, JSON, XLSX, or XML file

Taking your data generation to the next level

Web scrapers have simplified the process of data generation and now you can apply them in several ways in your business or organisation. 

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Below are some important aspects where web scrapers help in generating quality and reliable data:

Price intelligence and monitoring

Web scrapers give you a chance to extract pricing information from e-commerce websites. You can also keep track of other details that influence price intelligence. 

You can use this strategy to check for the dynamics in pricing and copy this information in real-time. This way, you can set your price a bit lower than the baseline prices to stay ahead of your competitors in business. 

Also web scrapers are used for minimum advertised price (MAP) monitoring. The hundreds of resellers and distributors online make manual monitoring of prices impossible. But, web-scraping tools like web automation automatically help you keep an eye on your product’s prices without you doing anything.

Lead generation

Marketing is a key aspect of every business and you need quality data for good lead generation. Web scrapers help you capture the interest of consumers to create an informed marketing strategy that leads to sales. 

According to the 2020 Hubspot report, about 61% of inbound marketers confirmed their number 1 challenge to be generating traffic and leads. Web scraping is a timely solution to this problem. 

You can now collect information about potential leads, including their name, phone number, address, and designation very quickly. This helps you understand how to stimulate their interest and boost your business productivity. 

Content or news monitoring

If you’re a company that cannot do without timely news analyses, or you frequently appear in the news, web scraping is an innovative tool for monitoring, collating, and parsing the most important stories from your niche or industry. 

You can use web scrapers for sentiment analysis, competitor monitoring, political campaigns, online public sentiment analysis and investment decision-making. 

Real estate

The world of real estate is experiencing a massive influx of smart new players who are maximizing web-scraping tools for fast and efficient data generation. This way, agents and brokerage companies can make informed decisions within the market and protect against top-down competition in the online space. 

Web scrapers automates the process of estimating rental yields, appraising property value, understanding market direction, and monitoring vacancy rates.

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Can you extract data for free?

Many web-scraping tools are built to automate the process of extracting data from the web. You can find one-click extractors that do not require any knowledge of coding or programming to scrape data from a website.

Web automation is one scraping software that has ready-made extractors, which you can use to extract data instantly from 400+ popular websites. And you can do this free for a start. 

Although you could simply cut and paste data from a website you’re viewing now into another document like a spreadsheet, this process is going to be slow, error-prone, and inefficient, especially for websites with many pages of information. 

Web scraping provides an automated extraction function to scrape data from thousands or millions of web pages. Web scrapers organize the results in a structured manner, making it easy for you to observe trends and differences, and make strategic decisions. 

Some free scraping solutions are dedicated applications requiring a level of coding proficiency to manage and configure. But you can simply use pre-built free scraping tools like web automation that have a simple point-and-click interface. 


You don’t have to stick to scraping methods that limits your access to data on the internet. You can take your data generation for your business to the next level using web scrapers. 

You can extract data using pre-built scrapers for over 400 websites like the Amazon product scraper. All you need to do is enter the URL, select elements, and submit.

Interestingly, you can integrate your extracted data anywhere through API or webhook. No matter the sector you belong to, scraping data using web scrapers can help you understand your audience, generate leads, and stay ahead of your competitors. 

Step up with your data generation game today using pre-built scrapers. 

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